Sunday, 25 July 2010

Chapter 5 - Two Weddings and a Funeral.

Well I was right... there was a funeral, it just wasn't who I was expecting it to be. Anyway, all in good time my friends. Alot has happened since last we joined the Bartletts

WARNING: The following post contains Censored Nudity (the naughty bits have been airbrushed out, but come on their just sims right? their hardly anatomically correct)

Chapter 5 - Two Weddings and a Funeral.

Harry and Karyn were extremely excited about their wedding, so excited in fact that they held it the very next day. Things went exactly as planned, although an awful lot of people turned up dressed.... inappropriately, inlcuding the Bride! (I have Snaifts True Nudist clothing, and it seems to like randomising onto it....)

It was certainly an interesting ceremony, Good thing they didn't invite any children.

Elsewhere, things were not going so well for Harry. As he was new to the stylist game people were poo-pooing Harry's makeovers before they had even had a chance to get used to them. To get revenge, Harry decided to show one particularly difficult client what a truly bad makeover really looked like.

(thats Harry in the background looking smug by the way, you might not recognise him, he's let himself go again)

While his brother was marrying the woman of his dreams, and shattering other peoples. (dreams that is) Charlie finally found himself a girlfriend! Her name was Shanita Baker. Technically she was his second cousin, but when pickings are lean, beggars can't be choosers.

Things quickly developed, and as Charlie was just 2 days away from becoming a Young Adult he proposed to Shanita. (apologies for the nakedness AGAIN, they had just Woohoo'ed (Baxim's extended EGC - Naked Woohoo)

While this was going on, Karyn became pregnant with her and Harry's first child. I'm not so sure I approve of her choice in Maternity Wear though....

Next day, Charlie aged up into a Young Adult. Immediately he began to make plans for the wedding.

For some reason, Charlie forgot that his bride was still at school, and arranged the wedding for 12pm. While the guests were waiting for the bride to put in an appearance, (they would have to wait until 4pm eventually) One of the guests Jenni Goode actually died of boredom!.

Eventually, the bride put in an appearance, and the wedding went ahead, Charlie left the Bartlett household to make a life for himself with his new bride Shanita.

(apologies for the poor lighting in that shot.They got married in the evening, under Tree's in Twinbrook. Apologies also for Karyn's nudity... she appears to have an aversion to wearing clothes to Weddings, even when pregnant)

Finally, Millie has got herself promoted to Superintendant, and has reached the top of her career. Unfortunately, I doubt she will be there much longer as she is now 86.

That seems like a good place to leave it, with Generation 2 having grown up and either flown the nest, or preparing for Generation 3. Challenge Note: I have started on the expansion to the house, but it isn't finished yet. Hopefully I will have scraped together enough funds by next time, and I can show you the finished article.

Next Time: Generation 3 is born, and Millie (probably) passes over. (depending on how much happens between now and her death. If alot happens then I will make another post)

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