Friday, 30 July 2010

Chapter 9 - What Alex did Next.

I hope you liked the direction I took with the last post, this one is going to be more of the same, little update and then story. I'm starting to feel REALLY sorry for Alex, especially as I know whats coming up next.

Chapter 9 - What Alex did Next.

After they got back from the disaster that was Reece's wedding,  Harry became an Elder he decided though that he was going to keep his Stylist Job because it was easy money, and not very stressful Besides, he liked riding around on his Motorbike.

I'm not so sure there isn't Bayless blood in his bloodline somewhere, check out those ears!

Mind you, some clients there wasn't a huge amount that Harry could do, He was beginning to suspect that Twinbrook had been infiltrated by aliens after seeing this particular client...

Elsewhere in Twinbrook, Charlie and Shanita had another child, this one a boy, they called him Tom, and at the time of writing, he was still only a baby.

(Mandatory Update out the way, On with the Story!)

A few days later Alex became a Young Adult, he decided on the spot that his Lifetime Ambition would be to be an International Superspy (YES! Finally a LTW that corresponds with the career!) and he began to think of his future, specifically whether he should move into Lester's home, or whether Lester should move in with them.
While it's nice to see that the Genetic traits being favoured seem to be a strong Jawline, its a shame that Genetics are going to make no difference anyway.... as Alex is Gay and must adopt

He invited Lester over to the house to get a feeling for what Lester wanted to do about their situation, but Alex was in for a suprise. Lester informed Alex, that he had changed his mind, and he wasn't actually gay at all! In fact he had started to see Bianca, Alex's cousin! Needless to say, Alex was less than impressed by this news, and told Lester exactly what he thought of him.

Lester didn't exactly take too kindly to this, and proceeded to unleash a torrent of insults of his own on Alex

Needless to say, after this picture was taken, Lester was asked to leave.... rather quickly.

As soon as he had left, Alex began muttering to himself, "Fine, who needs him anyway, I don't need him to be happy, I just need.... hmm... Children! Yes! Children will make everything right again! I can give THEM all my love!" Immediately, Alex picked up the phone and phoned the adoption agency.

The woman on the other end of the phone sounded so excited that he had called! "You want to adopt? Wonderful! So few parents adopt, we have so many children waiting for a home! Umm... How do you feel about twins?"
"Twins?" asked Alex dubiously
"Yes Twins, you see, we have two wonderful twin girls who have just come in, and they desperately need a home, they are children not toddlers so they won't need much cleaning up after"
"Well... I was really only wanting one for now, but as its for a good cause, ok then"
"Wonderful! I'll be right round" said the voice, and immediately hung up on Alex.

Roughly an hour later, the Social Worker came around, with two little girls, "This is Grace and Keira, their parents recently passed away in a tragic "Disappearing Door" accident" she explained, "Girls, this is your new Daddy, he'll take care of you now"



(Obviously they arent actually twins... but they look so similar, and have exactly the same time to aging up, so I'm saying they are for story's sake)

Grace is a Flirty, Virtuoso, Perfectionist and Kiera is a Party Animal who Loves the Outdoors (I forget her last trait)

Delighted to have such wonderful little girls, the family decided to host a party at the beach to celebrate, they invited the whole family, and  a few friends, including Alex's new Police Partner, who turned out to be his Auntie Shanika, whom Alex took the oppurtunity to make very good friends with.

The party was a roaring success, and everyone had a great time! Mainly due to Live Entertainment provided by both Karyn, and Connor Frio

And that seems like a good place to leave it. As ever, feedback is appreciated. Hope you enjoyed!

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